Sit in the front seat, take back the keys to your life

The blame game — a game we all play.

Eric Thomas, someone who I only just discovered on a recent podcast episode, said that as soon as you blame someone, you hand them the keys to your life.

I thought this was a great analogy.

Yes people are annoying. Yes they are super questionable at times. And yes, honestly sometimes it is just other people’s fault that you end up in a certain bad situation.

But if you simply blame them, and then sit in your disappointment shaking your head over and over, you are letting them have control.

It’s your life, so take control of it, take back the keys.

Figure out what you can do about that crappy situation and sit in the front seat.

Next time I blame someone for something I’m going to visualise myself handing them over my shiny keys to the car and driving me somewhere as I just sit there in the backseat, sad and helpless.


Give yourself 5 minutes to be frustrated and then move the hell on


Take notice of the good people surrounding you every day