Embrace the Onion, embrace the small steps
We all focus on the finish line only. I do this, you do this, it’s human nature to do this.
We set goals for ourselves and then stare at the finish line like, “man, that thing is so far away”, rather than embracing all the steps that you HAVE to take to get there.
I did this yesterday in a really small way. Now, stay tuned for a thrilling story.
So I was making dinner. Spaghetti Bolognese was on the menu, well we used Penne instead of Spaghetti but that’s not the point. I could go into more detail if you like?
I started chopping an onion and all I was thinking about was how long was left until the meal was done, cooked, in my stomach and I even thought about dishes and cleaning up at that stage too.
What’s the point in that? It just makes us likely to be frustrated with all that hard yakka ahead of you. It then speeds you up and stresses you out.
Slow down and embrace that Onion, Darren.
Everything has a process. Yes the end goal is great but you might not even make it there if every single step is a super heavy one.
Eat an apple before you transform your entire diet.
Do literally 5 pushups before you get built.
Post 5 pieces of content before you quit your 9-5 to pursue your content career full-time.
These things make perfect sense when you type them out, but our brains feel like they are wired to think “end goal end goal end goal.”
Embrace the Onion.