You are in control of your own happiness

There are so many things we control that provide us happiness. Yes they can be a pain in the bum to do, but we control them, technically.

We are all different, weird humans in our own way, but everyone knows what feels good for themselves.

One thing for me is my morning routine. Wake up, make a healthy breakfast, a coffee and go for a walk.

I am in control of that, every single morning.

When you think about it nothing can really stop me from doing this every day (barring some rare, unexpected occurrences.)

Isn’t that powerful though?

I know that makes me feel good, and I know I can achieve that every day ending in “y”.

These aren’t simply opinions either, these are science based things.

Sunlight in the morning improves your mood.

Drinking water reduces your chances of headaches.

Being active is good for you.

Eating healthy makes you feel better.

Doom scrolling on social media decreases your mood (this is something I am guilty of lately).

I am no scientist with the data in front of me but I know that studies prove these things. Qualified people tell us these things.

They are all things we are in control of.

So maybe it’s just a matter of getting over ourselves sometimes and doing those extra activities to boost our mood.

Easier said than done, but we are in control.


Isn’t social media basically a depressant at this point?


Man, what a hell of a year it’s been