Isn’t social media basically a depressant at this point?
This sounds a bit dramatic, I know, but I think I’m onto something here.
Comparing social media to a depressant such as alcohol is a bit much but they do have their similarities!
So just say we did compare it to alcohol…
Small hits of it makes you feel good but too much and your head is throbbing.
It can give you a buzz but once you overdo it, even just a little bit, you feel worse.
Look, I like social media. A lot of my job involves social media, but the reality is that the more I am on it, the worse I feel.
Seeing what your friends, colleagues, acquaintances are up to is great. As is having a laugh over some silly TikTok with your partner, but there is so much garbage in between those moments.
Sometimes I look up from my doom scroll, take in my surroundings and be like, “now why the hell did I do that?” And feel shitty about it. I’m sure we’ve all been there.
Doom scrolling gives you some form of hangover. That’s how I’m describing it.
The less social media the better for me these days, they are my parting words.