Not every hour of every day needs to be productive

I was in a ‘productivity funk’ last night, that’s what I’m calling it.

You know those moments when you have free time but you feel like you have to be super productive with it?

And if you aren’t productive you get irritated at yourself.

How do we define being productive by the way? Because isn’t resting technically being productive because your future self will then be more productive with that rest? I hope you are following because I barely am.

I said to myself I would just watch the Australian Open and relax, switch off, that old thing. But my body kept picking up my iPad and trying to create some content which of course was just not working.

I’d spend 5-10 minutes creating and after the work-in-progress piece didn’t look a million bucks I got annoyed with myself.

And then further thought to myself how unproductive I was being.

Do you get in this productivity funk as well? Message me some tips.

I literally wanted to just watch TV or read a book, but my body was getting agitated by just doing that.

The online world, the entrepreneur world, they all push GO GO GO, be productive in every hour of the day but that certainly doesn’t feel achievable. Nor should it.

You need rest, but our bodies and minds are getting very used to always wanting to do something more. At least mine is anyway.


It’s time to hold myself accountable.


Laughter is seriously the best medicine