It’s time to hold myself accountable.
The most important part of starting anything new.
Discipline means that regardless of what day it is, what week it is, you do the thing you set out to do. And as a result, you feel good about yourself. And you feel like you are progressing. Actually, you are progressing.
The best part about this is that to me, what you set out to do should be relatively small.
Don’t promise the world to yourself and get stressed out about it. What’s the point in that?
I began my writing journey (so to speak) I guess around a year or so go and have been dabbling ever since.
No real consistency, just writing whenever I felt like it.
But I don’t think that’s the way to reach goals. To get better at a skill.
That doesn’t hold myself accountable in any way unless I set some guidelines.
Introducing Friday Feeling. A weekly newsletter from myself.
Everyone releases things on Monday morning it feels like. Forget that. Friday’s usually a better mood, people are thinking weekend weekend weekend and a busy week has just finished up.
A busy week means lots of thoughts.
Friday Feeling is going to be sent every Friday morning and will cover one main thought from my week as well as some other tidbits around my life that I want to talk to you about and oh, get recommendations from you as well. TV shows, books, podcasts, shit movies in the cinema - let’s discuss.
Time to stay consistent Darren, you will write every Friday morning.
Hey to read these, you know what you have to do, sign up to the newsletter on the homepage. Sorry, I have to hook you in and grab your data somehow you know?