You’re not too busy, it’s just not a priority
Look, I have a bone that needs picking.
I’m sick of “I’m too busy” being used as an excuse to not do something.
You will make time for something if you want to make time for it.
Everyone is busy but it’s up to you what you make a priority.
I get it, sometimes it really does feel like you have no space in your schedule left.
But the reality is you can substitute. You can choose something over another thing. You can sacrifice if you want to.
You can also learn ways to constantly be more efficient, more productive and to open up time for those things you’re itching to get more time for.
That’s where time management comes in. It’s a thrill I get when I find ways that save me time.
But it really comes down to choices.
Eg. you can choose to catchup with a long time friend over working overtime. That example sounded personal because… maybe it is. Maybe that is something that has come up recently but better out than in, right? That’s just the reality of it to me.
Next time you catch yourself thinking you are too busy to do something, maybe ask yourself, “what is my priority?”.
If your choice remains the same then great. If you’re not willing to sacrifice something for that catch-up then that is perfectly fine, but don’t use “you’re too busy as a reason.”
I’m laughing to myself now because I am imagining a text coming through after suggesting a catch-up that reads, “sorry you’re just not anywhere near a priority right now.”