It is so easy to learn these days

I laugh (a good chuckle) how easy it is to access information and learn these days.

Part of having a brand online as a successful person is essentially sharing your knowledge with the world, for free.

Think about that. Doctors, scientists, business guru’s, tech guru’s - they’re all sharing knowledge online in different formats.

I was just listening to a podcast with “Mr Beast” who admittedly, I have barely watched any content of, but he has 364 million subscribers on YouTube so I assume that means he is the biggest YouTuber ever.

I am in the world of content so why wouldn’t I listen and learn?

If a super smart bloke who has done years of research into a topic you want to learn about, why on earth wouldn’t you spend an hour of your time listening to a podcast of his?

It just makes sense.

If you want to get into Psychology you can listen to hundreds of podcasts on it, read books, attend “YouTube University” and boom, your half way to becoming a Psychologist. That’s a stretch but you can really educate yourself easily, and quickly.

The online world is tricky though, let me hit you with a situation as an example.

If I see a video on Instagram about which foods contribute to health problems, and it’s a doctor telling me, well then it has to be true… doesn’t it?

That’s the challenge right there. The amount of ‘experts’ online.

Every second person acts like an expert now so you don’t know who to believe or what to actually pay attention to.

But in amongst the mud are some bits of gold that you can take with you.

We really don’t have any excuses to not learn about a topic these days.


Introducing The Time Token Concept


You’re not too busy, it’s just not a priority